On-Country evidence in Youth Verdict and The Bimblebox Alliance’s historic human rights legal challenge to Clive Palmer’s proposed Galilee Coal Project will be heard from 16-20th May 2022 and in locations across Gimuy (Cairns) and the Zenadth Kes (Torres Strait Islands) of Erub and Poruma. 

The court will travel to the traditional lands of First Nations witnesses to hear first-hand how climate change is impacting their lives and what will be lost if climate change is worsened by the burning of coal from new mines, including the Galilee Coal Project.  

It is the first time in history a mining objection has been heard on-Country and according to First Nations protocols. 

This guide is for members of the media who want to cover the on-Country proceedings. 

General Notes 

Normal court rules will apply to the proceedings (see, for example, the Qld Court media page and practice directions in Supreme and District Courts).  Unless otherwise directed by the court, journalists will be able to observe the proceedings and publish fair and accurate reports of what is happening.  No filming or recording of the proceedings is allowed unless specifically permitted by the court. Already accredited media agencies may take audio recordings for accurate notetaking purposes, per the practice directions. 

The on-Country evidence will not take place in a physical court. There will be a mobile group of lawyers, witnesses, court staff and the President of the Land Court, which will visit a number of sites including private property. 

As with any other court, unless a court orders otherwise, members of the media may film people ‘entering’ and ‘leaving’ the hearing before and after the court is in session. However, journalists are asked to seek permission from subjects before doing so. 

Members of Youth Verdict will be available to speak to the media. Witnesses are not able to be interviewed. 

Hearing in Gimuy (Cairns) 

The on-Country hearing of the Queensland Land Court to take First Nations evidence from Traditional Owner witness Jiritju Fourmile will not proceed on Monday 16 May, due to illness.

Hearings in Zenadth Kes (the Torres Strait) 

To travel to Zenadth Kes (he Torres Strait), you must complete a community entry form. All visitors are required to sign into the relevant local council office upon arrival. 

This is generally the first point of call for any media wishing to travel to Erub or Poruma. Your application will be processed by the relevant authorities and they are able to contact you if they require more information to process your application. If necessary, follow up emails can be sent to the contact details below, however, you may simply be redirected to the community entry forms.  

General practice is that these forms are filled out as far in advance as possible so that communities can prepare for your visit. 

17-19th May 2022  – Erub 

Youth Verdict spokesperson Aminata Morseu-Diop. Site Inspection and On Country Evidence at Erub. 

Council contacts: 

TSIRC Councilor and PBC Chair: Mr Jimmy Gela (Please note that Cr Gela will be away on business during the 17-19 May evidence on Erub. His Deputy PBC Chair, Mr John Mye, is available for contact. 

PBC Deputy Chair: Mr John Mye 

TSRA Board Member: Mr Kenny Bedford 

TSRA Board Member Contact Details: 

Telephone: 07 4069 0700 

Facsimile: 07 4069 1879 

Email: [email protected] 

TSIRC Councilor Contact Details: 

Telephone: 07 4069 4001 

Facsimile: 07 4069 4000 

PBC Chair Contact Details: 

Telephone: 07 4069 4001 


Email: [email protected] 

TSIRC front desk:  

Telephone: 07 4083 2300 

20th May 2022 – Poruma 

Site Inspection and On Country Evidence at Poruma 

TSRA Board Member: Mr Francis Pearson 

TSIRC Councillor for Poruma and Mayor: Mr Phillemon Mosby 

PBC Chair: Mr Frank Fauid 

TSRA Board Member Contact Details: 

Telephone: 07 4069 0700 

Facsimile: 07 4069 1879 

Email: [email protected] 

TSIRC Councillor Contact Details: 

Telephone: 07 4069 4277 

Facsimile: 07 4069 4280 

[email protected]  

TSIRC Assistant to Mayor Philemon Mosby, Jacob Matysek 

[email protected]  

PBC Chair Contact Details: 

Telephone: 07 4090 0790, 0499 010 774 

Facsimile: 07 4090 0790 

Email: [email protected] 

Other Contacts: 

Youth Verdict – [email protected]  Monique Jeffs, 0490 117 357 

Environmental Defenders Office – [email protected], 0423339746