Your January newsletter


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First Nations Program Newsletter

January 2025

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! 

Welcome to the first edition of the First Nations Program Newsletter, EDO's quarterly First Nations newsletter that keeps you updated about our work to protect our unique and precious environment and communities across Australia and the Torres Strait Islands.

In this newsletter you will find news highlights about our program, culture and communities, as well as helpful factsheets, up-coming events, and lots more!






Introduction to the First Nations Program at EDO 

The First Nations Program (FNP) was established in 2020 to work with and advocate for the rights of First Nations peoples across all EDO’s work. In June 2023 the Country and Cultural Heritage Program (CCH Program) was incorporated into the FNP, as a dedicated nation-wide program specifically tailored to provide services to First Nations peoples seeking legal support to protect their culture and Country.  

The First Nations Program is led by Director Casey Kickett, a proud Noongar woman hailing from the Whadjuk, Yued, Ballardong and Wardandi Noongar Countries. Casey works alongside Harriet Ketley, the Deputy Director of the CCH Program, solicitors Emily Long and Nadja Zimmermann, and Troy Leishman, a Yorta Yorta man and the team’s First Nations Justice Administrator. 

The First Nations Program focusses on supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in their advocacy to protect their Country and cultural heritage.  

This includes working alongside communities concerned about their cultural heritage, fresh water sources and drinking water issues and accessing and looking after Country in a culturally appropriate way.  

Our assistance can include legal education services and resources, legal information, advice and services and legal representation.  



If you are seeking advice or assistance, please contact us by calling 1800 626 239 and press 1 or Click here to apply for free advice. Our program looks forward to working with you! 



Environment sector Treaty briefing with First Peoples Assembly and Environment Victoria 

The First Nations Program recently attended a briefing for the environment sector on Treaty negotiations, which formally commenced on 21 November last year on Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung Country in Naarm. The briefing was provided by the First People’s Assembly and Environment Victoria. You can read more about the Treaty process here.  



Have your say on the review of the future acts regime

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) is currently conducting an inquiry into the future acts regime in the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth). The future acts regime provides the legal framework for doing ‘future acts’, which are acts which occur since the Native Title Act commenced in 1993 that affect native title rights and interests.

The ALRC has published an issues paper, which explains the future acts regime, introduces the Inquiry, and calls for submissions. A short one-page factsheet about the Inquiry and how you can make a submission can be accessed here. The ALRC is seeking submissions on five questions, which you can access here.

For more information about this inquiry, visit the ALRC website, or make a submission online here

Submissions on the issues paper close on 21 February 2025. 



Case note – UN Committee finds that Finland violated the rights of Sámi Indigenous Peoples to culture and land

On 8 October 2024 the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) found that Finland has violated the rights of Sámi Indigenous peoples to culture and land.   

The decision relates to complaints filed by different members of the Kova-Labba Siida Sámi semi-nomadic herding community, dealing with mining projects granted on their traditional territory. Specifically, it was found that the granting of mineral exploration permits on Sámi territory without completing an impact assessment and without effective participation in the decision making, amounted to a violation of Sami rights.

You can read more about the decision here.



First Nations Clean Energy Strategy launched  

The Australian Government has launched the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy, aiming to empower First Nations communities and improve energy security through the clean energy transition.

The strategy provides a national framework for governments, industries, and communities to build a new ‘business-as-usual” for the clean energy sector. 

Its vision is ‘a sustainable clean energy future for all Australians, with Country and Culture at the heart’. 

The strategy outlines principles, goals, and actions to support self-determination, genuine partnerships, economic benefits, and access to affordable clean energy. 

For more information, refer to the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy Webpage or email
[email protected]



EDO Factsheets

Please find below our factsheets, designed to help you understand cultural heritage laws and and empower you to take action. You can access more resources on the EDO website here.


First Nations Cultural Heritage and Federal Law
Find out more Click Here.


First Nations Cultural Heritage Laws in Queensland
Find out more Click Here.


Cultural Rights Under the Queensland Human Rights Act
Find out more Click Here.


Enforcement powers of Indigenous Rangers in the Great Barrier Reef
Find out more Click Here.



Up-coming Events


North Australia Savanna Fire Forum
(18th - 20th February 2025)

Find out more Click Here.


Queensland Indigenous Women Rangers Network Forum 
(3rd March 2025)

Find out more Click Here.


Indigenous Women Rangers Network Forum 
(4th - 5th March 2025)

Find out more Click Here.


Iain McCalman Lecture
(6th March 2025)

Find out more Click Here.


If you are aware of upcoming events related to community and culture, the environment, or law that you would like to share, please let us know at: [email protected]



Get Involved

First Nations Strategic Advisory Committee

The First Nations Strategic Advisory Committee (FNSAC) is a respected representative national group of people from six different First Nations/Countries, who bring their lived experiences and knowledges of being a First Nations person to guide EDO in its areas of work which involve First Nations peoples and communities, including internally. To read more about the First Nations Strategic Advisory Committee please click here . To express your interest in being on the committee - you can apply here.



Contact Us


phone: 1800 626 239

email: [email protected]


Follow our socials below






EDO recognises the traditional owners and custodians of the land, seas and rivers of Australia. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past and present, and aspire to learn from traditional knowledge and customs so that, together, we can protect our environment and cultural heritage through law.



EDO recognises the traditional owners and custodians of the land, seas and rivers of Australia. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past and present, and aspire to learn from traditional knowledge and customs so that, together, we can protect our environment and cultural heritage through law.

© 2025 EDO. All rights reserved.
ABN 72 002 880 864
