Vale Steven Garamy
Our Sydney office, like most offices around the country, has been closed because of the coronavirus pandemic. When – in the future – we return to it, a desk in the corner...
Blog Australia
Our Sydney office, like most offices around the country, has been closed because of the coronavirus pandemic. When – in the future – we return to it, a desk in the corner...
Blog Australia
New Acland is a coal mine in the Darling Downs of Queensland, right next door to the small town of Acland, and surrounded by some of the best farming land in Australia. The mine...
Blog QLD
Our lawyers across the country are tracking the exercise of emergency powers on planning and environmental laws, and announcements of economic recovery measures, as well as...
Blog Australia
Many of us are breathing a sigh of relief as restrictions cautiously ease across Australia to allow for somewhat greater social interaction and economic activity. As...
Blog Australia
Update: This case was discontinued (except as to costs) on 5 June 2020 after the developer provided our client, Manyana Matters Environmental Association, with a further...
Blog NSW
Part 1 in a series on water law and the Murray-Darling Basin By Special Counsel Dr Emma Carmody Everyone should care about water, and how it is managed. This is particularly true...
Blog Australia
EDO is heading to court on behalf of young Queenslanders and landholders to challenge Clive Palmer’s proposed Galilee Coal Project, in a case that’s set to make legal history....
Blog QLD
On 16 April 2020, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in Western Australia published its new Environmental Factor Guideline for Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG...
Blog WA
A complaint from EDO on behalf of a client who is resident in the Hunter Valley recently led to a NSW State Archives and Records Authority investigation of Department of Planning,...
Blog NSW
EDO water law specialist Emma Carmody has co-authored an article published today which finds that the Australian Government’s $4 billion irrigation efficiency program for the...
Blog Australia