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NSW follows suit and lists koalas as endangered
By Senior Solicitor Cerin Loane Following the Commonwealth’s decision earlier this year to upgrade the conservation status of koalas from vulnerable to endangered under...
Blog NSW

Meet one of our lawyers: Alina Leikin, Safe Climate team
Alina Leikin is Special Counsel in EDO’s Safe Climate team. Alina works on addressing the impacts of gas developments across Australia on global warming, and utilising...
Blog NT

Civil society groups warn against police overreach in NSW climate defenders raid
Forty civil society organisations have expressed alarm at reports of police overreach in preemptive policing of protest, with NSW police conducting covert surveillance and a raid...
Blog Australia

Injunction sought against Woodside’s Scarborough Gas Project to protect Great Barrier Reef
Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) is heading to the Federal Court to seek an injunction against Woodside’s Scarborough Gas Project over climate harms to the Great Barrier...
Blog WA

Video: Tasmanian devils could face a tragic end
The Tasmanian EPA has given a mining company the green light to truck iron ore through vital Tassie devil habitat at night – putting these nocturnal, endangered animals in...
Blog TAS

Court allows expert evidence in legal first climate case against NSW Water Sharing Plan
The NSW Land and Environment Court has ruled in our client’s favour on the question of allowing experts to give evidence in our legal challenge to a water sharing...
Blog Australia

On-Country evidence concludes in historic Galilee Coal Project challenge
On-Country evidence by First Nations people has been heard in the landmark challenge to Clive Palmer’s Galilee Coal Project by Youth Verdict and the Bimblebox Alliance. It’s...
Blog QLD

Meet one of our lawyers: Claire Bookless, Tasmania
Claire Bookless, Tasmanian Managing Lawyer for the Healthy Environment & Justice Program, which works with communities across Australia to ensure a safe and healthy...
Blog TAS

Legal win over forest clearing plan at Ansons Bay, Tasmania
A large parcel of native forest will no longer be cleared for cattle grazing after a successful legal challenge by the Tasmanian Conservation Trust, represented by the...
Blog TAS