Have your say on the NT’s new draft mining Bills

The Northern Territory (Territory) government recently released two draft bills for publicconsultation (draft Bills): – The Environment Protection Legislation Amendment (Mining) Bill; and – The Legacy Mines Remediation Bill These draft Bills are intended to deal with the environmental impacts of mining and propose tocompletely overhaul how mining is regulated in the Territory. To have […]

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New report: Analysis of Vegetation Management Regulatory Frameworks in Australia

EDO’s Analysis of Vegetation Management Regulatory Frameworks in Australia examines land clearing laws across all Australia jurisdictions, highlighting key issues and areas for improvement.   In 2021, over 100 countries, including Australia, pledged to halt and reverse deforestation and land degradation by 2030 through the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use (Glasgow Declaration).1 The […]

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Environmental Defenders Office run groundbreaking court cases to protect our natural world and deliver expert legal advice to people all over the Australia-Pacific region. […]

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Consultation on the review of the National Hydrogen Strategy

The updated National Hydrogen Strategy must be framed in response to the global climate crisis: to reduce emissions, not to drive demand for hydrogen production irrespective of the climate impacts. Rather than simply focusing on hydrogen development and uptake, to be truly fit for purpose, the Strategy must take account of where hydrogen products are […]

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‘The whales are in trouble:’ Traditional Custodian files legal challenge to Woodside’s seismic blasting approval  

A Traditional Custodian will ask the Federal Court to find that approval for Woodside Energy to carry out seismic blasting in her Sea Country was unlawful.  Gas giant Woodside said last week it was ready to begin seismic blasting for its Scarborough Gas Project, despite objections from Custodians who say they still have not been […]

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Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 (Productivity Commission)

The Productivity Commission is required to undertake an inquiry every 5 years into the effectiveness of the implementation of the Basin Plan and water resource plans. This is the second such inquiry. The terms of reference are broad; EDO’s submission identifies several key issues for attention and anticipates making further contributions in response to the […]

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