EDO Submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on draft guidance for business on environmental and sustainability claims

EDO welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s draft guidance for business regarding environmental and sustainability claims. Our submission outlines the key respects in which we consider the draft guidance may be improved to provide greater clarity and certainty for businesses and consumers. […]

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EDO Submission on Proposed WA Climate Change Bill 2023

On 21 September 2023, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation released anexplanatory paper in relation to a proposed Climate Change Bill, together with a fact sheet. Theexplanatory paper sets out, in broad terms, the key features of the proposed Climate Change Bill,together with the proposed provisions in the proposed Bill. EDO’s submission on the […]

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EDO submission to the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner Review of community engagement practices

The energy transition presents an opportunity to engage with environmental concerns, community consultation processes, and First Nations cultural heritage protection in a different way than has been the historical experience in respect to the fossil fuel industry and other mining developments. Laws can, and should, be designed to deliver outcomes for climate, nature and communities. […]

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Woodside’s seismic blasting approval thrown out after legal challenge by Traditional Custodian 

The Federal Court has invalidated Woodside Energy’s approval to conduct seismic blasting for its Scarborough Gas Project after a legal challenge by a Traditional Custodian.  Mardudhunera woman Raelene Cooper filed a judicial review in August, arguing the offshore regulator NOPSEMA made a legal error in approving the blasting and that Woodside had not met a […]

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EDO’s 12 principles for renewable energy transition projects

EDO Roadmap for Climate reform – Recommendation 22: Provide a clear pathway for assessment and approval of ecologically sustainable renewable energy projects and associated transmission infrastructure – by establishing national ecologically sustainable development standards and principles for renewable energy projects. This includes, for example, frameworks to ensure that renewable energy projects are appropriately located, sited, […]

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A new pathway for the renewable energy transition: national environment laws that deliver for nature, climate and communities

By Rachel Walmsley, Head of Policy & law Reform & Frances Medlock, Commonwealth & Government Liaison Solicitor  The climate and biodiversity crises – and solutions – are inextricably linked. The race is on to ensure we have laws that bring greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels down, ensure a rapid and just transition to renewable energy, and […]

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Driving change or just filling the tank? Greenwashing tactics of the automobile industry

Environmental Defenders Office has released a report assessing the green claims of several of the largest car companies in Australia. Our investigation found misleading and deceptive claims to be widespread. In fact, almost all major automobile manufacturers make representations that raise greenwashing concerns. Greenwashing claims relating to hybrids and plug-in hybrids are the most common. Download the […]

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EDO’s expert assistance to Tuvalu Constitutional Reform Project: Interview with Dr Bal Kama

In September 2023, Tuvalu enshrined a new definition of statehood in its constitution. A world-first, the constitution asserts the State of Tuvalu will continue to exist, even if its landmass disappears under rising sea levels. Dr Bal Kama, who advised the constitutional committee, shares some insights on this significant development for Tuvalu and beyond. Bal […]

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EDO Submissions on Draft Bills: Northern Territory Environment Protection Legislation Amendment (Mining) Bill and Legacy Mines Remediation Draft Bill

EDO welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Exposure Drafts for the Environment Protection Legislation Amendment (Mining) Bill and the Legacy Mines Remediation Bill, which have been released by the Northern Territory Government for public consultation. Our submissions provide detailed recommendations in relation to this proposal to completely overhaul how mining is regulated in the […]

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Rise of draconian anti-protest laws in Australia is highlighted by UN Special Rapporteur  

A UN Special Rapporteur has raised concerns about increasingly draconian laws that restrict citizens’ rights to peaceful protest around Australia.  UN Special Rappoteur Dr Marcos Orellana [1] said in his interim report today that:  “Draconian restrictions on the right to protest in several states are also very troubling. Peaceful protests are a legitimate exercise of […]

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