Appealing Planning Decisions in ACAT

Decisions are made under the Planning and Development Act 2007 (ACT) (‘PD Act’) every day. These decisions may impact on applicants and the general public depending on the nature of the decision. Some, but not all, decisions made under the PD Act are reviewable. This factsheet discusses planning and development decisions that are reviewable at […]

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Neighbourhood disputes in the ACT

Disputes often arise between neighbours about environmental issues including light pollution, noise pollution, and pollution from smoke, dust, odour and fumes. This factsheet will look at these issues specifically, but also the general issue of neighbourhood disputes, including what you can do to resolve these disputes and when you can take a matter to the […]

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Trees on Boundaries in the ACT

Living in a leafy, tree-filled community like Canberra gives us a range of benefits. Trees are a beautiful and integral part of our neighbourhoods. Yet conflicts can and do arise between neighbours and local government as a result of trees on boundaries. Trees in the ACT Some trees in the ACT are protected under the […]

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Third party standing in planning and environment matters in the ACAT

Members of the public often want to challenge an environment or planning decision made by the ACT Government in the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (‘ACAT’). However, not every decision is a decision that ACAT can review, nor is everyone, or every organisation, entitled to seek review of a decision. To have a decision reviewed […]

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Understanding Defamation in Queensland

Access to Justice: Understanding Defamation: This factsheet explains what defamation is, what defences are available, and what to do if you are concerned that you or your group might be sued. The key points you need to be aware of are: You or your group are entitled to express your opinion on developments and other […]

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Explainer: What is the ‘water trigger’?

In this explainer, we tackle the ‘water trigger’ in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. What is it? And what does it have to do with Adani’s North Galilee Water Scheme? Adani’s plan to pump 12 billion litres of water a year from the Suttor River, to its proposed Carmichael coal mine has […]

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Blair Athol Mine Legacy

EDO’s client the Lock The Gate Alliance (LTG) fought for transparency over Queensland Government decisions behind the transfer of the Blair Athol coal mine to new owners.  The mine, in Queensland’s Bowen Basin, was mothballed by a Rio Tinto joint venture in 2012 after 30 years of operation.  In 2016, the site was sold for […]

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Community Rights to be Involved in Development Assessment in Queensland

This factsheet provides an overview of the development assessment framework under the new Queensland planning framework found in the Planning Act 2016 (Qld).  This Factsheet is for general information purposes only, it is not legal advice. Important legal details have been omitted to provide a brief overview of this area of the law. If you require […]

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NSW Biodiversity Legislation

The new biodiversity and land clearing regime commenced on 25 August 2017, despite serious concerns about increased land clearing and weakened biodiversity offset standards. We will continue to provide feedback on aspects of the new regime and to work with communities concerned about the new laws. We are updating our fact sheets to reflect these changes and running community education […]

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