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The Environmental Defenders Office provides expert legal advice and runs groundbreaking cases to protect our climate, communities, and iconic plants and animals. […]

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The Environmental Defenders Office provides expert legal advice and runs groundbreaking cases to protect our climate, communities, and iconic plants and animals. […]

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Running an Incorporated Association in Queensland

Overview This fact sheet is the third in a three-part series on incorporated associations. It sets out the main responsibilities of an Incorporated Association’s Management Committee. This factsheet applies to Queensland only. The Management Committee The Management Committee are responsible for the operation of the association and they are required to ensure that the rules […]

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Planning, Development & Heritage in NSW

LEPs and SEPPs These Fact Sheets explain what local environmental plans (LEPs) and State environmental planning policies (SEPPs) are, and how they fit together within the NSW planning system. They include descriptions of how SEPPs and LEPs are made, how they regulate what types of developments can go where, and how people can engage in […]

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The Environmental Defenders Office provides expert legal advice and runs groundbreaking cases to protect our climate, communities, and iconic plants and animals. […]

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The Environmental Defenders Office provides expert legal advice and runs groundbreaking cases to protect our climate, communities, and iconic plants and animals. […]

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Environmental impact assessment in the NT overview

In the Northern Territory two sets of laws govern environmental impact assessment of proposed activities. These are:
– The Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; and
– The Northern Territory Environmental Assessment Act and Environmental Assessment Administrative Procedures […]

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Analysis: Koala habitat laws and mapping take effect in SEQ

On Friday 7 February 2020, the new laws and mapping intended to improve protections of koalas in south east Queensland (SEQ) commenced, introduced through the: Nature Conservation and Other Legislation (Koala Protection) Amendment Regulation 2020 (Qld). These reforms are intended to better protect remaining koala habitat in SEQ from being cleared and to improve the safe movement […]

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