Hope for NSW forests: Court decision upholds community’s right to challenge native forest logging

In the shadow of claims made by the NSW Forestry Corporation, communities have been led to believe that they have no rights to challenge decisions about industrial logging in NSW native forests or seek action over unlawful conduct when logging destroys hollow-bearing trees and critical habitat for threatened species.  But two recent court decisions have […]

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‘Nature positive’ within reach – 2024 the year for long-awaited national environmental law reforms

By Frances Medlock, Solicitor, Commonwealth & Government Liaison, and Rachel Walmsley, Head of Policy & Law Reform   Since mid-2023, the Federal Government has been consulting on reforms to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), Australia’s national environmental law. The EPBC Act is well overdue for reform, with almost all of the nation’s […]

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Forestry protest in NSW

Peaceful protest in relation to forestry activities has a long history in NSW but protestors do, on occasion, face criminal charges for their actions. This fact sheet outlines the right to protest, such as it is, and some of the potential legal implications of engaging in protest activity. […]

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New climate disclosure laws improve corporate accountability 

EDO welcomes the introduction by the Federal Government of mandatory climate related financial disclosures through the Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2024 (the Bill) that will mandate new reporting requirements through the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Improving financial disclosures will assist investors in understanding how a company is addressing climate change and the risks to a […]

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