Legal Information Access Centre

For assistance with legal research, consider contacting the Legal Information Access Centre (LIAC)  LIAC is a specialist information service run by the State Library of NSW and is free for NSW residents. LIAC provides legal research assistance through specialist librarians based at the State Library. Sydney LIAC’s Head Office in the NSW State Library holds a […]

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Influencing the Decision in NSW

Before having your say about a decision, it is important to figure out who the decision-maker is. It is important to be clear on what you are being invited to participate in. Is the decision-maker trying to inform you, consult with you, collaborate with you, or engage with you? Government decisions are required to be […]

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How to Have Your Say in NSW

There are many opportunities to participate in environmental decision-making and have your say. The opportunities available to you will depend on whether the decision is yet to be made (in which case you can focus on influencing the decision) or whether the decision has been made (in which case your efforts should focus on either […]

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Aboriginal Communities in NSW

Aboriginal Culture & Heritage This Fact Sheet examines the ways that Aboriginal cultural heritage is protected under the law. It looks at national, state and local protections, and includes information on World Heritage, Aboriginal objects and places, and Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permits. This Fact Sheet will be useful for people who want to protect Aboriginal […]

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Access to Justice in NSW

Update on Protest Laws This Fact Sheet describes changes made to protest laws in March 2016. It covers new aggravated trespass offences, expanded offences for interfering with a mine which commenced on 1 June 2016, and new police powers which commenced on 1 November 2016.  Access to Information This Fact Sheet gives an overview of […]

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Support Us

The Environmental Defenders Office provides expert legal advice and runs groundbreaking cases to protect our climate, communities, and iconic plants and animals. […]

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Young Australians take on Clive Palmer coal mine over human rights

It’s a case that is set to make legal history – one that asks us to consider what kind of climate future we are leaving for future generations.  For the first time an Australian coal mine is being challenged on human rights grounds. It’s also the first climate case brought by young people in Australia.  […]

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Forestry, Clearing Vegetation & Trees in NSW

Tree disputes This fact sheet explains how the Trees (Disputes Between Neighbours) Act 2006 (Tree Disputes Act) applies to tree disputes. The Tree Disputes Act applies to trees and hedges that are located on private land. It does not relate to trees on public land or disputes with public authorities about tree management. Before agreeing to prune or remove […]

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EDO watchdog: Legal principles for COVID-19 response and recovery

Many of us are breathing a sigh of relief as restrictions cautiously ease across Australia to allow for somewhat greater social interaction and economic activity.  As Australia’s initial response to COVID-19 gives us reason to hope a health crisis has been contained in this country, governments have rapidly switched gear to economic recovery.   Subsequent rapid changes to laws, as […]

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