Parliamentary Inquiry Puts Spotlight on Forestry Operations in NSW Native Forests

29 June 2021 Parliamentary Inquiry Puts Spotlight on Forestry Operations in NSW Native Forests By Senior Solicitor Cerin Loane An Upper House inquiry into the forest and timber products industry is underway in NSW. While the terms of reference for the inquiry are quite broad, the inquiry is expected to put a spotlight on the legal framework regulating forestry operations and highlight ongoing concerns about the future sustainability […]

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Analysis: The Walls are Closing in on Fossil Fuels

By Director of Legal Strategy Elaine Johnson It has been a big couple of weeks in the world of climate litigation, as three significant judgments were handed down by courts in Australia and overseas in cases against Adani, Shell and Whitehaven. There’s no doubt that the legal landscape has shifted, and climate lawyers everywhere are […]

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You’re amazing!

Thank you so much for joining the Environmental Defenders Office as a monthly giver.  As a regular giver you are the backbone of our critical legal work.  Legal cases can take thousands of hours of dedicated legal work by our lawyers and scientific experts. As a non-profit environmental legal centre we depend on the regular support of […]

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Thank you so much!

Your donation is a crucial contribution to help power the legal defense of our precious water resources from mining.   As a non-profit environmental legal centre we depend on the generous support of people like you to defend Australia’s wildlife, people and places.  On behalf of the legal team here at the Environmental Defenders Office, thank you so much for […]

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EDO to Give Evidence at Another Hearing into EPBC Act Amendment Bills

By Head of Policy Reform Rachel Walmsley Today, EDO is giving evidence at a parliamentary inquiry hearing into another EPBC amendment bill – this time it is the EPBC Amendment (Standards and Assurance) Bill 2021.  This is our third parliamentary hearing on EPBC amendment bills in recent months, and we have two more coming up.   The bills […]

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Dynamic Email Test

The Environmental Defenders Office provides expert legal advice and runs groundbreaking cases to protect our climate, communities, and iconic plants and animals. […]

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Defending World Heritage Springbrook National Park from water mining

Lawyers from the EDO are going to the Queensland Planning and Environment Court to defend the Springbrook World Heritage Area from groundwater mining, which could see 16 million litres of water a year taken from the ecosystem.  The EDO is representing the Australian Rainforest Conservation Society (ARCS) in their fight to protect the Springbrook’s World Heritage rainforest, waterfalls and wildlife.  The proposal to mine World Heritage water at Springbrook  In […]

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NSW’s Overdue Water Resource Plans Hampered by Further Delays

Dr Emma Carmody, Managing Lawyer, Freshwater TeamHuw Calford, Solicitor, Freshwater Team After more than two years of delays, a crucial element of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan (Basin Plan) – NSW’s Water Resource Plans (WRPs) – remains incomplete. On 20 April 2021, the Senate Committee investigating management of the Basin Plan heard that up to 19 of […]

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Thank you so much!

Thank you so much for joining the Environmental Defenders Office as a monthly giver! As a regular giver you are the backbone of our legal work. Your generosity drives the legal fight to protect our climate, communities, wildlife, and natural wonders like Springbrook. Thank you from all of us at the EDO! Help spread the […]

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