Bylong Community Wins Again as Coal Mine Appeal is Dismissed

The NSW Court of Appeal has today upheld the decision to refuse the Bylong Coal Project.   The decision comes two years after the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) first rejected the 6.5 million-tonnes-per-year greenfield coal mine, calling the greenhouse gas emissions from the project ‘problematical’.   The Bylong Valley, near Mudgee in central western NSW, is known for its scenic […]

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Bushfire Survivors secure landmark change after NSW Minister declines to appeal court win

New South Wales Environment and Energy Minister Matt Kean has today announced there will be no appeal of last month’s landmark court ruling which found the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has a duty to take serious action on greenhouse gas emissions, signalling a major change in climate policy for the state.  EDO’s case on behalf of client Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action argued that the EPA has a duty to develop policies, objectives and guidelines to regulate greenhouse […]

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Submission to Major Review for Victoria’s Fire Impacted Forests

EDO welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Major Event Review of Victoria’s Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs). The Major Event Review provisions of the Victorian RFAs provide the opportunity to assess the impacts of the catastrophic 2019-2020 bushfire season on the operation of the Victorian RFAs. Importantly, the Major Event Review will be […]

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EDO clients challenge NT’s largest ever groundwater licence on legal grounds

The Northern Territory’s peak environmental bodies, Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC) and the Environment Center NT (ECNT) appeared before a Ministerial Review Panel on Friday September 3 to challenge the Water Controller’s approval of the NT’s largest ever groundwater licence.   Represented by the Environmental Defenders Office, our clients argued that the water licence was granted without due regard to legislative requirements and without proper consideration of the merits […]

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A guide to private land conservation for landholders

In the wake of Australia’s 2019-2020 bushfires, the protection of unburnt habitat has become an urgent priority. Much of the land that survived the bushfires intact is now a vital refuge for biodiversity, particularly threatened species. Six priority landscapes have been identified in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria as requiring immediate protection because they […]

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Bushfire Survivors Hail Landmark Legal Win On Climate

EDO clients, Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action(BSCA) is celebrating today’s ruling from the NSW Land and Environment Court that the NSW Environment Protection Authority has a duty to take serious action on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.  It is the first time that an Australian Court has ordered a government to take meaningful action […]

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