EDO Submission on the draft Police Offences Amendment (Workplace Protection) Bill 2022 (Tasmania)

EDO welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft Police Offences Amendment (Workplace Protection) Bill 2022 (‘the Bill’). Having previously provided detailed comments on the draft Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Amendment Bill 2021, EDO strongly supports the proposal to repeal the flawed and unconstitutional Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Act 2014 (Tas). However, EDO considers that […]

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EDO Submission on a new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Protection Act (Tasmania)

This submission responds to the Tasmanian Government’s Consultation Paper: A new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Protection Act. EDO’s submission makes recommendations to strengthen the proposed new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Protection Act to reflect the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples principles of free, prior and informed consent and self-determination. […]

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You’re amazing!

Thank you so much for joining us as an Environmental Defender with a generous monthly donation! Your support is helping to drive legal action to protect threatened wildlife like our Tasmanian devils. Endangered Tasmanian devils are too important to be risked as roadkill for mining profits. Legal action is one of the most effective tools […]

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You’re amazing!

Thank you so much for joining EDO as an Environmental Defender. Your monthly donation forms the backbone of our legal work. As an Environmental Defender, you are powering some of Australia’s biggest court cases for nature. Your generosity drives the legal fight to protect our climate, communities, and wildlife. Thank you from all of us […]

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Thank you so much!

Your generous donation is helping to drive legal action to protect threatened wildlife like our Tasmanian devils. Endangered Tasmanian devils are too important to be risked as roadkill for mining profits. Legal action is one of the most effective tools we have to enforce laws to protect wildlife, and with your support we are giving […]

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EDO Submission on the Options Paper: Finalising the review of Queensland’s Cultural Heritage Act

First nations justice must be central to reform of Queensland’s Cultural Heritage Acts EDO, in consultation with our First Nations clients and other First Nations peoples, has provided a submission on the last stage of the Queensland Governments’ review of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld) and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld) (Cultural Heritage Acts). View […]

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EDO Submission to Inquiry into Petition 32-21 (No Rights Without Remedy)

EDO is very supportive of Petition 32-21 (No Rights Without Remedy), which proposes to amend the ACT’s Human Rights Act to introduce an informal and accessible human rights complaint mechanism. Our submission analyses the Human Rights Act from an environmental perspective, identifies 5 main barriers to access to justice under the current Act, and makes […]

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Upper Hunter community wins 22-year battle against Yancoal mine expansion

The Camberwell and Hunter community is celebrating following the news Yancoal’s planned Ashton South East Open Cut coal mine extension has finally bitten the dust. The project’s planning approval granted in 2015 expired earlier this month, bringing to an end the decades-long fight against the proposal. Crucial to the community’s victory was award-winning environmental activist […]

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