Community briefing on the EPA Climate Policy and Action Plan

In response to EDO’s groundbreaking case of behalf of Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action (BSCA), the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has prepared a draft Climate Policy and Action Plan. This is a vitally important step in recognising and clarifying the duty of the EPA to address climate change and regulate greenhouse gas pollution. Community […]

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EDO Submission in response to 10 Year Salmon Plan

Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Department of Nature Resources and Environment Tasmania’s Discussion Paper: Towards a 10-Year Salmon Plan (Discussion Paper). There can be little doubt after the Legislative Council Inquiry Report on Finfish Farming in Tasmania dated May 2022 that community perceptions of the sustainability of the salmon […]

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EDO Submission on the Right to a Healthy Environment

The EDO welcomes the opportunity to comment on the ACT Government’s investigation into including the right to a healthy environment in the Human Rights Act 2004 (ACT). Our submission makes 17 recommendations to ensure that, if the right to a healthy environment is included in the Human Rights Act 2004, it is appropriately defined and […]

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AGN claims ‘renewable gas’ is climate-friendly could be greenwashing 

Environmental claims can be a powerful marketing tool. In the race to tackle dangerous climate change, it is essential that Australians are provided with accurate information about the products and services that are being advertised to them.    Greenwashing is becoming more common and harder to spot as a record number of energy companies make climate […]

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Supreme Court hearing over largest groundwater licence in Territory history begins tomorrow  

EDO lawyers are heading to Court this week, September 7 – 9, for a hearing over the legal challenge to the approval of the Territory’s largest ever groundwater licence.   Our client, the Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC), launched judicial review proceedings in the NT Supreme Court in February 2022 to challenge the decision by the […]

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Meet one of our lawyers: Kirsty Ruddock, Safe Climate – Corporate team

Kirsty Ruddock is the Managing Lawyer for EDO’s Safe Climate Corporate & Commercial team. Kirsty is an experienced climate lawyer and litigator, having been involved in representing and advising clients on a range of environmental law issues. Kirsty and her team work with clients to tackle climate greenwashing and use corporate and consumer law to […]

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Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility expands landmark Federal Court case against Santos

Sydney, 25 August, 2022​: Today, the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) filed significant new and more detailed allegations against Santos over alleged greenwashing.   Last year the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) commenced proceedings in the Federal Court alleging that Santos Ltd has breached the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Australian Consumer Law […]

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