Legal Briefing: Independent Review of WA Environmental Approvals Processes and Procedures 

In late October 2023, the Western Australian Government commissioned Dr Paul Vogel and Mr David McFerran to undertake a “short, sharp review” of environmental approvals processes and procedures in WA. The Government’s response to the recommendations of the Review was published on 12 December 2023. The substantive report of the review has not been made available to the public.  […]

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Submission on the Net Zero Economy Authority Bill 2024

Australia is already in a state of energy transition and failure to better plan and coordinate this transition will continue to create significant detrimental impacts on those communities which currently rely on fossil fuel generation, transmission and distribution for employment. As such, an environmental justice approach should be taken which recognises not only that the […]

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UniSuper faces fresh allegations of greenwashing 

One of Australia’s largest superannuation funds, UniSuper, stands accused of “greenwashing” some of its investment products by mislabelling them “sustainable”.  UniSuper member Dr Christopher Standen has, through the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO), lodged a complaint with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). [1]  Two of the funds that UniSuper markets as “sustainable” [2] have […]

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Submission to the Inquiry into Australia’s Extinction Crisis

The EPBC Act is 20 years old and is not fit for purpose. It is failing our environment, business and community, and time is running out to save our iconic threatened species. Legislative reform is needed now – we cannot wait another decade for another statutory review to confirm what we all know – that […]

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EDO submission on consultation on the National Adaptation Plan Issues Paper

Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the National Adaptation Plan Issues Paper. EDO strongly supports the development of a National Adaptation Plan, and notes this was a recommendation in EDO’s Roadmap for Climate Reform. This submission makes recommendations in 6 areas in relation to the Issues Paper: Ongoing mitigation […]

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Submission in response to proposed Reserve Activity Assessment (RAA) Process Reforms (lutruwita/Tasmania)

Lutruwita/Tasmania’s natural environment and cultural heritage are among its greatest assets. Proper management and protection of the reserved land is fundamental to protecting these values and to the wellbeing of all Tasmanians, including future generations. Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) therefore welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Consultation Paper: National Parks and Reserves Management Act […]

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Conservationists challenge approval of Qld coal climate disaster

The Australian Conservation Foundation and Mackay Conservation Group have begun legal proceedings in the Queensland Land Court, seeking the refusal of Whitehaven Coal’s Winchester South thermal and metallurgical coal mine, proposed for the Bowen Basin.  The environment groups will argue the court should recommend no mining lease or environmental authority be granted for the Winchester […]

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