EDO Submission to the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units

EDO welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). Our submission addresses issues of governance, integrity, transparency and accountability in the regulatory framework for carbon offsets, and we recommend that offsetting should be a last resort once emissions have been avoided and mitigated, rather than the […]

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Telemarketing Donation Page

Make a tax-deductible donation to EDO by bank deposit: Name: Environmental Defence Fund  BSB: 814-282Account Number: 30892173Bank: Great Southern Australia ABN: 72 002 880 864 Please include your full name, or your organisation’s name in the Reference and email us at [email protected] so that we can send you a receipt for your gift. Make a tax-deductible donation by cheque or money […]

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Draft NSW EPA Climate Policy and Action Plan – Have Your Say

The case: In August 2021, a group of survivors of the horrific Black Summer bushfires took a landmark climate case to the NSW Land & Environment Court and won. For the first time, an Australian court allowed evidence on climate change to be heard in a case involving an alleged failure by a government agency – […]

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First ever NSW plan for climate action released after landmark win by bushfire survivors

One year after the landmark win by Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action in the NSW Land and Environment Court, NSW’s environmental regulator has released a draft of their first climate policy and action plan.  The Court found last August that the NSW Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has a legal duty to take serious action on […]

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EDO Submission on the proposed Market for Biodiversity

EDO welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Government’s proposal to develop alegislated framework to underpin a voluntary national biodiversity market (the biodiversitymarket framework). The biodiversity market framework is intended to facilitate investment in conservation andrestoration. In essence, it will establish a mechanism for landholders to be rewarded forconservation action – by issuing certificates […]

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EDO Supplementary submission to the inquiry into Australia’s extinction crisis

Supplementary submission to the inquiry into Australia’s extinction crisis being undertaken by the Commonwealth Senate Environment and Communications References Committee. This supplementary submission provides additional and updated information to our earlier report including: the adequacy of existing funding streams for implementing threatened species recovery plans and preventing threatened fauna loss in general; final report of […]

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