EDO submission on the Nature Repair Market Bill

Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed Nature Repair Market Bill 2023 (the Bill). EDO strongly supports investment in restoration and conservation management and for funding to go to landholders across Australia for biodiversity stewardship. The focus of any scheme established to galvanise investment in restoration and nature repair […]

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Supreme Court ruling a blow to Tasmania’s endangered devils

The Supreme Court’s decision to let a mining company truck ore at night through a significant Tasmanian devil population could pose a significant new risk to the endangered species and highlights the need to reform the state’s environment and planning laws. [1]  Tarkine National Coalition (TNC) Campaign Coordinator Scott Jordan said: “We are very disappointed by this […]

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Thank you so much!

Your generous donation is helping to drive the legal fight against harmful projects that threaten our climate, health and unique and precious wildlife. The law is one of the most effective tools we have to tackle the climate crisis and protect biodiversity for future generations. By donating today, you’re ensuring our team of lawyers and […]

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Water mining threatens World Heritage-listed Springbrook National Park

The Australian Rainforest Conservation Society (ARCS) will be in court tomorrow (February 27) seeking to protect World Heritage-listed Springbrook National Park on the Gold Coast from a water mining proposal.  The park is part of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area, one of only five World Heritage properties in Queensland, along with the […]

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Submission to Treasury on climate-related financial disclosure

The Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) welcomes the opportunity to make 8 key recommendations on Treasury’s Consultation Paper on climate-related financial disclosure. It is critical that alignment with the 1.5℃ temperature goal of the Paris Agreement and Australia’s legislated net zero emissions by 2050 target is central to the design of a mandatory climate-related disclosure framework. […]

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Discussion Paper – Offsetting our way to extinction

For years, EDO has consistently recommended that the rules for biodiversity offsetting must meet best practice and deliver genuine improvements for the environment, especially endangered plants and animals. Yet governments have continually failed to implement these recommendations, and iconic species like the koala are one step closer to extinction. In this discussion paper, EDO takes […]

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