Refusal of Galilee Coal Project a victory for human rights, the climate and nature

The Queensland Government has refused Clive Palmer’s Galilee Coal Project following the recommendation of the Queensland Land Court late last year. [1] [2]  “Environmental Defenders Office clients Youth Verdict and the Bimblebox Alliance brought an historic legal challenge to the massive new fossil fuel project on human rights, climate and nature grounds and won,” Senior […]

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Why salmon farming needs new rules

The issue  Tasmania’s beautiful coastal waters are home to some of our most distinctive wildlife —like the Maugean Skate and Spotted Handfish. But the fragile marine ecosystems they call home are under threat from industrial salmon farming.   Instead of placing clear limits on pollution from salmon farming, the Tasmanian Government is planning to wind back […]

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EDO submission on amendments to the Safeguard Rule

EDO’s submission to the Safeguard Mechanism reform: consultation on proposed design by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, should be read in tandem with EDO’s submission to the Senate Standing Committee. As stated in that submission, while the bulk of the Safeguard Mechanism will reside in subordinate legislation, strong drafting of […]

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Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications inquiry into the Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2022

This submission is to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications inquiry into the Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2022. It follows EDO’s previous submissions on the changes to the Safeguard Mechanism. EDO’s recommendations focus on restricting facilities’ use of offsets to comply with the Safeguard Mechanism, disfavouring new entrants that are advantaged by […]

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Farmers vow keep fighting after IPC green-lights McPhillamys Gold Project

Farmers near Blayney in the NSW Central West have vowed to continue their fight to protect local water supplies after the Independent Planning Commission (IPC) today approved the McPhillamys Gold Project. [1]   The IPC approved the mine even though it will deplete vital groundwater and leave a massive tailings dam of hazardous waste materials at […]

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Proposed marine fish farming regulations put Tassie coastal waters and marine wildlife at great risk

The Tasmania Government’s draft environmental standards for finfish farming would weaken already inadequate environmental standards and put Tasmania’s prized coastal waters and marine wildlife at greater risk.   Marine scientists, policy specialists and the Environmental Defenders Office are all urging the government to discard the draft standards, go back to the drawing board.  Public submissions on […]

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$60k fine for illegally taking two billion litres of water?

The quantum of fines imposed this week for the theft of almost 2GL of water from the Darling River is disappointing and points to shortcomings in the regulation of water resources in NSW. [1]   The Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) welcomes the prosecution of water theft but questions the effectiveness of a regulatory regime that results […]

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EDO Submission on the NSW Coastal Design Guidelines

The EDO provided feedback on the draft updated NSW Coastal Design Guidelines which were exhibited for public comment by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. Our submission makes reference to our report, Climate-ready planning laws for NSW, which recommends that the NSW Government take a whole-of-government approach to climate change by enacting new climate […]

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