Submission to the Climate Change Authority on setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets

Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Climate Change Authority’s Issues Paper: Setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets. EDO’s work, and this submission, are informed by climate science, human rights, and an environmental justice framework. For too long, these principles have been missing from climate policy debates in […]

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EDO submission to the inquiry on the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Amendment (Using New Technologies to Fight Climate Change) Bill 2023

This Bill amends the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 to allow for the international export of carbon dioxide (CO2) for the purposes of carbon capture and storage (CCS). It also enables permits to be granted for the placement of waste or other matter for a marine geoengineering activity for the purposes of scientific research. […]

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EDO submission in response to the Tasmanian Planning Policies

Environmental Defenders Office welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the Tasmanian Planning Policies (TPPs). In doing so, EDO notes it has provided comments to the Tasmanian State Planning Office in November last year on a previous draft of the TPPs. While it is pleasing that some of the previous feedback provided by EDO and […]

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Responding to Pollution in lutruwita/Tasmania

The United Nations has recognised the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. Strong environmental laws regulating pollution are one of the key ways to protect this human right.   This factsheet provides information about how pollution is regulated in lutruwita/Tasmania. It also provides information on how to report pollution incidents, who to report […]

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Territory Water Plan is a step in the right direction, but details are missing

The Territory Water Plan released today has many positive features that will improve management of this most precious resource, but much depends on how well and how quickly its measures are implemented. [1]  Environmental Defenders Office Managing Lawyer (NT) Elanor Fenge said the NT Government appeared to have made important changes as a result of […]

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Donate to protect environment using the law

Donate! With your support, we can run more groundbreaking cases and deliver expert legal advice to people all over the Australia-Pacific region.  Your gift will help: With a tax-deductible donation, you can protect our climate and unique wildlife, and stand with communities. Your donation provides flexible funding that powers our vital legal work. Other ways […]

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Greenwashing complaint against NeuRizer (Leigh Creek Energy) lodged with corporate watchdog

South Australia’s peak environment body has asked the ASIC to investigate whether fossil fuel company NeuRizer has misled or deceived investors and consumers about the climate impacts of its proposed urea fertiliser plant at the mothballed Leigh Creek coal mine. [1]  NeuRizer is proposing to operate an underground coal gasification (UCG) facility and fertiliser factory […]

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Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications on the Nature Repair Market Bill 2023

Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Nature Repair Market Bill 2023 (the Bill). EDO strongly supports investment in environmental restoration and for funding to go to landholders across Australia for biodiversity stewardship. The focus of any scheme established to galvanise investment in restoration and nature repair must be the […]

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