Amendments needed to ensure Nature Positive bills live up to their title

By Frances Medlock, Solicitor, Commonwealth & Government Liaison  During the last parliamentary sitting in late June and early July, the Federal House of Representatives passed legislation to implement the second stage of the Albanese government’s Nature Positive reforms. This is an important step towards establishing a national environmental regulator, but what does it mean for […]

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Senate committee misses historic opportunity to enshrine climate justice for children in law   

The major parties need to propose practical measures to safeguard the rights of children and future generations after they recommended the Senate reject the Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity) Bill 2023 yesterday. [1]  “It is disappointing that the major parties have passed up an historic opportunity to address significant weakness […]

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A special message from an EDO supporter

My name is Josette Wunder. I’m a Sydneysider who has been donating every year to EDO since 2009. I believe using the law to protect our forests, climate, and communities works. EDO’s impressive outcomes in helping to protect Australia’s unique environment and improving and changing environmental laws are proof of this. As a child, I discovered the wonders of nature […]

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UN committee finds Australian and WA governments potentially breached racial discrimination convention

A prominent United Nations committee has made serious findings against the Australian and Western Australian governments in relation to their handling of Indigenous cultural heritage issues and related legal reforms.  The committee goes so far as to say the behaviours appear to constitute a breach of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms […]

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EDO analysis reveals greenwashing in energy, mining and transport sectors

After auditing 30 companies, including some of the highest emitters in Australia’s energy, mining and transport sectors, EDO analysis found that many fail to meet UN recommendations for legitimate net zero commitments.   EDO’s three latest greenwashing reports audit the net zero commitments and climate-related claims made by 30 companies across Australia’s energy, mining and transport […]

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EDO submission on the Electricity and Energy Sector Plan Discussion Paper

Environmental Defenders Office welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the Electricity and Energy Sector Plan Discussion Paper. EDO supports the development of an Electricity and Energy Sector Plan as a means to reaching net zero. With energy accounting for around 85% of Australia’s net emissions in 2022-23, and electricity alone accounting for around […]

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NeuRizer climate pollution claims removed after SA Conservation Council greenwashing complaint

Troubled fossil fuel company NeuRizer has warned potential investors to disregard entirely claims that the fertiliser it plans to manufacture at Leigh Creek will be “carbon neutral”, with “net-zero” carbon emissions.   The admission follows a complaint lodged last June by the Conservation Council of South Australia (CCSA) through the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO). [1]  CCSA […]

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Submission on the NSW Koala Strategy Review

The plight of koalas in NSW has garnered significant attention in recent years. There have been multiple government policies and programs aimed specifically at koala protection and conservation, reports by the NSW Chief Scientist, and a parliamentary inquiry into koalas and their habitat. The current Koala Strategy, like many other recent initiatives for koala conservation, […]

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Roadmap to Reality: Assessing Net Zero Commitments in the Transport Sector

This report reviews the Net Zero commitments and climate related claims of the transport sector in Australia. This sector encompasses four modes of transport: road, rail, domestic aviation, and domestic shipping. By assessing the Net Zero commitments of a cross section of companies within this sector, the report aims to drive better understanding of climate […]

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