Tree Disputes in NSW
This factsheet explains how the Trees (Disputes Between Neighbours) Act 2006 (NSW) (Tree Disputes Act) applies to tree disputes. The Tree Disputes Act applies to trees and hedges that are located on adjoining private land. The Factsheet explains your rights and obligations regarding trees and high hedges on private property in NSW, outlines the processes available to resolve tree disputes and discusses the role of the Land and Environment Court in handling tree disputes
Key takeaways
– In most areas of NSW consent must be obtained from the local council before removing or pruning a tree on private property.
– If a neighbour enters your property to remove or prune a tree without your consent, you can ask them to leave.
Key actions
Seek independent legal advice before commencing legal action
Visit: Land and Environment Court page on Class 2 : Tree disputes and local government appeals for more information
Visit: The State Library NSW page on Disputes and How to Resolve Them
Read: EDO Factsheet on Clearing Trees on Urban Land and Environmental Zones
Read: EDO Factsheet on Clearing Vegetation on Rural Land