The Planning Framework in SA
This factsheet provides an outline of the South Australian planning framework under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (SA).
Key takeaways
Identifies the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (SA) as the cornerstone of the SA planning legislative framework
Describes the different categories of development and what may be required when submitting an application
Identifies opportunities to appeal decisions made on development applications
Identifies opportunities for public submissions for proposed major projects
Key actions
Visit: PlanSA’s Find Out If You Need Approval wizard tool to determine whether you need to lodge a development application
Visit: PlanSA’s Planning and Design Code portal to input your address and find out which development rules apply
Visit: PlanSA resources for any relevant forms required for development applications, public submissions or applications for review
Read the EDO Factsheet on Procedure in the Environment, Resources and Development Court in SA for more information about appealing decisions to the Court
Seek independent legal advice before commencing legal action
Visit: The Courts Administration Authority of South Australia page on Environment, Resources and Development (ERD) Court Rules & Forms