Review and Amendment of Local Provision Schedules (lutruwita/Tasmania)
Almost all land-based development and use is regulated under the Tasmanian Planning Scheme. The Local Provisions Schedules (LPSs) are a central component of this statewide planning scheme. LPSs apply the planning zones and codes identified under the State Planning Provisions (SPPs) to land in each municipal (council) area.
This factsheet provides information about how the LPSs in Tasmania were made and how they may be amended. This includes information outlining the opportunity for public comment within the amendment process.
Key takeaways
A Local Provision Schedule applies the planning zones and codes to land in each council area.
The public can comment on draft Local Provision Schedules before they are finalised.
Any person may request that an Local Provision Schedule be ammended.
Key actions
Read: EDO Factsheet – Overview of Tasmania’s Resource Management and Planning System
Visit: The Tasmanian Planning Commission website for information about opportunities to comment on its latest assessments.