Overview of the Tasmanian Resource Management and Planning System
This factsheet provides an overview of lutruwita/Tasmania’s Resource Management and Planning System. It will be useful for anyone who wants to get an understanding of the key frameworks regulating land and resource use and development in Tasmania.
Key takeaways
The principal aim of the Tasmanian Resource Management and Planning System (RPMS) is to provide for the sustainable use and development of Tasmania’s natural resources.
The RMPS sets a legal framework for decisions, the setting of policies and strategies to manage land and resource use.
Key actions
Read: EDO Factsheet – Making a Representation to Council in lutruwita/Tasmania
Read: EDO Factsheet – Appealing a Planning Permit Decision in lutruwita/Tasmania
Read: EDO Factsheet – Review and amendment of State Planning Provisions (lutruwita/Tasmania)
Read: EDO Factsheet – Review and amendment of Local Provisions Schedules (lutruwita/Tasmania)
Read: EDO Factsheet – Enforcing Planning Laws in lutruwita/Tasmania