Neighbourhood Disputes about plants in lutruwita/Tasmania
In lutruwita/ Tasmania, neighbourhood disputes about plants are regulated under the Neighbourhood Disputes About Plants Act 2017 (the Act). This factsheet provides information about the Act and the mechanisms it provides for resolving disputes between neighbours about plants that overhang or overshadow properties, or otherwise cause a nuisance. It will be useful for anyone who wants to get an understanding of the options to resolve these types of disputes.
Key takeaways
Landowners are responsible for managing plants on their property so that they don’t create a nuisance to neighbours.
The Act provides mechanisms for resolving disputes about fulfilling these responsibilities.
Key actions
Visit: The Department of Justice website has further information about the Act.
Visit: The application form to commence proceedings can be found on the Resource and Planning Stream (TASCAT) website.
Visit: Further information about the Act and applications for orders can be found on the Resource and Planning Stream (TASCAT) website.