Future Potential Production Forest (FPPF) Land in Tasmania
This factsheet discusses Future Potential Production Forest (FPPF) Land and provides information about:
- What FPPF Land is;
- The restrictions on using FPPF Land for logging; and
- Changing FPPF land to Permanent Timber Production Zone Land (PTPZ Land) (conversion and exchange), which can be logged.
Key takeaways
FPPF land can be converted to PTPZ land or exchanged with PTPZ land.
The key difference between converting and exchanging FPPF Land with PTPZ
Land is that exchange involves replacing the FPPF Land such that the stock
remains constant, while conversion does not involve replacement of the FPPF
Land meaning there is a net reduction in FPPF Land.
Both exchange and conversion require acceptance by both houses of Parliament.
Key actions
More information about the management of FPPF Land is available on the NRE website here.