Exploring for Minerals in the Northern Territory
This factsheet focuses specifically on exploration for minerals, including:
• Types of mineral titles which apply (exploration licences);
• Rights to comment on and object to the grant of exploration licences;
• Landholder rights under those exploration licences, once granted; and
• What other approvals might be required.
Key takeaways
– The Northern Territory Government (the Crown) owns the resources on and under the ground, not the people who own or occupy the land.
– Mining is controlled by different laws
depending on what resource is being mined.
– You can comment on and object to the grant of exploration licences.
Key actions
Visit: The Northern Territory Government website for further information on preliminary exploration.
Visit: The Department website for all advertisements of applications for the grant of mineral titles (which include exploration licences).
Visit: The Department website for publishes announcements of the grant or cessation of mineral titles.
Visit: The Department website for a flowchart of the objection and submission process for mineral titles (which include exploration licences).
Read: EDO factsheet on Judicial Review and Merits Review in the NT.
Read: EDO Northern Territory Toolkit: Judicial Review in Environmental Matters.
Read: EDO Factsheet on environmental impact assessment in the Northern Territory.
Read: EDO Factsheet on referrals under the EPBC Act.