Community Rights to be Involved in Development Assessment
This factsheet provides an overview of the development assessment framework under the new Queensland planning framework found in the Planning Act 2016 (Qld) particularly, the different types of development and development approvals.
Key takeaways
Outlines the processes under the Planning Act 2016 (QLD)
Defines development assessment, the categories of development and assessment, and outlines when development assessment is needed
Defines exemption certificates
Identifies when and how a development application must be publicly notified per the Development Assessment Rules
Describes public consultation processes for Development Assessments and how to make a submission
Describes how to access documents on the public register pertaining to a specific development
Outlines how development application decisions may be appealed, including costs
Key actions
Read EDO’s The Community Litigants Handbook – Using the Planning Law to Protect the Environment
Contact the assessment manager first to request any documents you seek
Visit: Queensland Courts page on Starting Proceedings in the Court for more information about the Planning and Environment Court’s procedures
Visit: The QLD Government’s page on Guidelines to view and download the guide on Making A Submission