Clearing Vegetation on Rural Land
This factsheet describes the regulatory framework governing the clearing of vegetation in NSW in rural areas and how these laws interact with other environmental laws, including those protecting threatened species and native animals and plants. It will be useful for landholders who wish to clear land in rural areas and anyone concerned about land clearing activity.
Key takeaways
Explains how the clearing of vegetation on rural land is controlled using a native vegetation regulatory map, various categories of land and what land clearing regulations apply to each
Outlines activities that are allowed without approval – allowable activities
Explains code-based clearing
Describes the process for seeking approval from the Native Vegetation Panel
Details possible offences and penalties for clearing vegetation without approval
Key actions
Read the EDO factsheet on Clearing Trees on Urban Land and Environmental Zones
Visit:  Native Vegetation Regulatory Map portal
Visit: NSW Legislation’s In force legislation page to view the Land Management (Native Vegetation) Code 2018
Visit: The Local Land Services website
Visit: The Native Vegetation Panel website