Appealing a planning permit decision in lutruwita/Tasmania
This factsheet provides information about how a person can appeal against planning permit decisions made by planning authorities (councils) in lutruwita/Tasmania or join a planning appeal already on foot. It will be useful for anyone who wants to understand planning appeals before the Resource and Planning Stream in the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Key takeaways
Appeals against planning permits issued by planning authorities can be filed in the Resource and Planning Stream in the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT) by either the applicant for the developer or any person who made a written submittion regarding the development application during the public exhibition period.
An appeal must be lodged with TASCAT within 14 days of when the notice advising you of the planning authority’s decision was given or sent to you.
Key actions
Visit: The Resource and Planning Stream (TASCAT)  website provides information sheets, practice directions, prescribed forms and lists upcoming hearings.