Update on Protest Laws

This Fact Sheet describes changes made to protest laws in March 2016. It covers new aggravated trespass offences, expanded offences for interfering with a mine which commenced on 1 June 2016, and new police powers which commenced on 1 November 2016. 

Access to Information

This Fact Sheet gives an overview of the state and national access to information systems. It discusses the importance of public access to information in promoting open, accountable government, details the processes that must be followed by people wishing to access government information, and introduces the bodies responsible for assisting the community to access this information.

This Fact Sheet will be useful for people who want to gain access to information held by the government at a local, State, and national level.

Incorporating an Environmental Group

This Fact Sheet examines the purpose of incorporation, and gives an overview of the process of incorporating your environmental or community group.

This Fact Sheet will be useful for people who are part of an environment or community group, particularly if you are considering taking legal action.

Speaking Out in Public

This Fact Sheet discusses the legal consequences that may arise from speaking out in public. It discusses defamation law and injurious falsehood in relation to environmental campaigning, and gives an overview of what these things are and how you can avoid them.

This Fact Sheet will be useful for people who want to speak out in public to protect the environment, but want to avoid defaming someone unlawfully in the process.

Submissions, Letters and Petitions

This Fact Sheet discusses the importance of engaging in environmental law and policy decision-making processes by writing submissions, letters and petitions. It offers tips on how to find out about chances to have your say, how to write effectively, and how to ensure that your contribution meets legal requirements to ensure it is eligible to be considered by decision-makers.

This Fact Sheet will be useful for people who would like to have their say about decisions made by government, including development applications and changes to policies, as well as people who are looking for ideas on how to approach a decision-maker with a new idea.

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ICAC, the Ombudsman and the Auditors-General

This Fact Sheet examines how the public sector is held accountable for its actions. It discusses the mechanisms for dealing with corruption at local, state, and national government levels.

This Fact Sheet will be useful for people who are concerned that a public authority is engaging in unlawful or corrupt conduct.

Land and Environment Court

This Fact Sheet outlines the role of the Land and Environment Court in environmental decision-making. It explains the types of cases heard by the Court, the orders it can make, and what to expect when going to Court. 

The Fact Sheet will be useful for people who want to appeal an environment or planning decision to the Land and Environment Court, or who want to enforce a breach of environmental law such as pollution.

Other Fact Sheets you may find useful: LEPs and SEPPs, State Significant Infrastructure and Development, Air Water and Noise Pollution, Legal Advice and Litigation, Incorporating an Environmental Group

Legal Advice and Litigation

This Fact Sheet explores how you can go about getting legal advice. It gives an overview of the differences between barristers and solicitors, and discusses the process for getting legal advice quickly, or in relation to restraining orders and access arrangements. It also discusses the costs that may arise from going to court.

This Fact Sheet will be useful for people who are considering getting legal advice, people who are facing legal action, or people who want to take legal action themselves.

Other Fact Sheets you may find useful: Land and Environment Court

Prescribed Activities on Crown Land

This Fact Sheet describes the NSW Government’s powers to prohibit public gatherings on Crown Land. 

Protesting Forestry Activities

Peaceful protest in relation to forestry activities has a long history in NSW but protestors do, on occasion, face criminal charges for their actions.

This fact sheet outlines the right to protest, such as it is, and some of the potential legal implications of protesting forestry activities.