Analysis: Climate change and water governance in an era of high-tech irrigation

Improving adaptation, sustainability, transparency and public trust On 19 February this year, Dr Emma Carmody, EDO’s Special Counsel and water law expert, gave this opening address at an international workshop jointly sponsored by the Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law, University of Sydney Law School and Environmental Defenders Office. Here Emma explains why making […]

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Analysis: Are our water laws climate ready?

Dr Emma Carmody, EDO Special Counsel and water law expert, gave this talk at the 10th Water Symposium, hosted by Legalwise in Sydney on 18 October 2019. Introduction My presentation is, broadly speaking, oriented towards the future, although anyone who has visited Menindee or Wilcannia in the last year might be inclined to argue that […]

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Welcome to the new Environmental Defenders Office

Today we launch the Environmental Defenders Office, Australia’s new national, not-for- profit legal watchdog for the environment. The Environmental Defenders Office will see eight state and territory EDOs join forces to become the largest community legal centre for the environment in the Asia-Pacific. As a united organisation, we will take high-impact enforcement cases to the […]

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Who are the decision-makers in NSW?

Responsibility for environmental decision-making is spread across three levels of government – Federal, State and local. Decision-making can also occur across the three branches of government – the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.  The three levels of government There are three levels of government Australian Government NSW Government Local government They are responsible for different […]

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Case note: Water NSW v Barlow

This case note by Matt Floro, EDO Solicitor, and Jasper Brown, Legal Administrator, Sydney, was originally published in the Australian Environment Review, Vol 34, No 6 2019. Introduction In recent times, the use and allocation of our scarce water resources has become a flashpoint for conflict among irrigators, pastoralists and other water users, local communities […]

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EDO uses the law to defend our freshwater and marine ecosystems and protects precious water sources from pollution and over-extraction. […]

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