A new era for environmental law in the Northern Territory

For almost 40 years, the principal Northern Territory law aimed at protecting the environment from the impacts of major development has been the Environmental Assessment Act 1982 (NT) (EA Act). At a mere six pages and not having been amended in any meaningful way since 1982, the EA Act has governed how the environmental and […]

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Legal Resources and Research in NSW

This resource summarises the main rights, responsibilities and opportunities to participate under both State and national legislation. If you would like further detail about a particular area of law, you may wish to do some legal research Legislation There are many pieces of legislation relating to the environment in NSW. This website deals with the […]

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Endorsing extinction is not a ‘minor’ admin task

This week, in a media release titled Stronger protection for threatened species, the Commonwealth Environment Minister officially upgraded the threat status of the Spectacled flying fox from Vulnerable to Endangered; and signed off on our first mammal to go extinct due to climate change, when the Bramble Cay melomys was moved from the Endangered category to the […]

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EPBC Act Referrals: Opportunities for Comment & Legal Action

This factsheet outlines public comment opportunities and possible legal actions arising where a project is referred for federal assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act). This Factsheet is for general information purposes only, it is not legal advice. Important legal details have been omitted to provide a brief overview of this […]

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A National Human Rights Act: Safeguarding Human Rights in Australia

The Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) was pleased to contribute to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights’ Inquiry into Australia’s human rights framework, which seeks to examine the effectiveness of Australia’s current human rights framework including whether the Australian Parliament should enact a national Human Rights Act.   With the recent United Nations General Assembly resolution […]

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Community in lutruwita/Tasmania overwhelmed by piecemeal law reform 

By Claire Bookless,  Managing Lawyer, lutruwita/Tasmania In the past eight years, the Tasmanian Government has announced numerous reforms, reviews and new policies with the potential to strike at the heart of the state’s environmental and planning laws.  The government is pursuing policies that could fundamentally change our state, its environment and communities.   Among those policies are […]

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Analysis: Compliance boost for the Murray-Darling Basin with new Inspector-General

The Water Legislation Amendment (Inspector–General of Water Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2021 (Cth) (Amendment) was passed by the Commonwealth Parliament on 24 June 2021. This is the most significant amendment to Water Act 2007 (Cth) in almost a decade. The EDO’s Freshwater Team examines the lead up to this amendment, evaluates its strengths and highlights […]

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