Access to information case on deep seabed mining in PNG

Coastal communities in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have launched legal proceedings against the PNG Government to obtain key documents relating to the licensing and environmental impacts of the Solwara 1 deep sea mining project. The information is being sought so that Papua New Guineans can clearly understand whether the Solwara project – proposed for the […]

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The ongoing effort to save the Toondah Harbour wetland

Toondah Harbour, in Brisbane, is located within one of Australia’s internationally protected wetland areas, the Moreton Bay Ramsar site. It is a critical habitat to some of our most vulnerable animals – dugongs, turtles, koalas and migratory shorebirds, including the eastern curlew.   Despite being protected under the Ramsar Convention and Australia’s own national biodiversity laws, […]

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Transparent failure — Tasmanian Government is the most secretive in Australia 

A new analysis of the administration of Tasmania’s freedom of information laws has found the island state is the most secretive in Australia.  Environmental Defenders Office has reviewed the handling of applications under the state’s freedom of information law — the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) — and found Tasmania ranked last on […]

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Meet one of our lawyers: Claire Bookless, Tasmania

Claire Bookless, Tasmanian Managing Lawyer for the Healthy Environment & Justice Program, which works with communities across Australia to ensure a safe and healthy environment. The program is driven by concepts of environmental justice and working to shift the power imbalance from those placed at disproportionate risk of environmental harm and those shut out of […]

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Joy for EDO Clients as Shenhua Coal Mine is Cancelled 

In a massive win for Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) clients, Traditional Owners and farmers, the Shenhua coal mine proposal in north west New South Wales has been cancelled. The NSW Government has today announced it will pay the mine’s Chinese owner to withdraw its mining lease application and surrender its development consent.   The Shenhua Watermark coal mine was a huge […]

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Analysis: NSW Water Sharing Plans set to fail farmers, communities and the environment

The NSW Government is poised to sign off on plans for the Murray-Darling that will lock in inadequate volumes of environmental water for the next decade.  Legal instruments known as Water Sharing Plans are currently on exhibition, with the state indicating it wants to table them in parliament as soon as 1 July, next week. […]

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