Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 (Productivity Commission)

The Productivity Commission is required to undertake an inquiry every 5 years into the effectiveness of the implementation of the Basin Plan and water resource plans. This is the second such inquiry. The terms of reference are broad; EDO’s submission identifies several key issues for attention and anticipates making further contributions in response to the […]

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Delivering the Murray-Darling Basin Plan – Ideas on how water recovery and efficiency use goals in the Murray-Darling Basin Plan can be met (Submission to the DCCEEW)

EDO welcomes the opportunity to participate in the Australian Government’s consultation about how to deliver the Basin Plan 2012 in full. We emphasise the importance of delivering on water recovery, in full, as a matter of priority, and recommend the Australian Government prioritise and support the recovery of actual flows and deprioritise mechanisms that remain […]

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Analysis: Compliance boost for the Murray-Darling Basin with new Inspector-General

The Water Legislation Amendment (Inspector–General of Water Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2021 (Cth) (Amendment) was passed by the Commonwealth Parliament on 24 June 2021. This is the most significant amendment to Water Act 2007 (Cth) in almost a decade. The EDO’s Freshwater Team examines the lead up to this amendment, evaluates its strengths and highlights […]

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Analysis: Environment loses as subsidies drive extractions in Murray-Darling Basin

EDO water law specialist Emma Carmody has co-authored an article published today which finds that the Australian Government’s $4 billion irrigation efficiency program for the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) has led to irrigators who received infrastructure subsidies extracting up to 28 per cent more water than those who did not. Dr Carmody and water management experts […]

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Analysis: Murray-Darling Basin irrigators convicted of water extraction offence – the recent judgment

On 19 March 2020, the NSW Land and Environment Court delivered judgment in WaterNSW’s prosecution of two irrigators in the northern Murray-Darling Basin. The Court found that the irrigators extracted water from the Barwon-Darling River in contravention of a condition of their water supply works and use approval, which is an offence under the Water […]

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Threats to wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin

Sadly, wetlands are among the most threatened ecosystems on the planet. Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin wetlands are no exception. While many wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin naturally cycle between wetter and drier periods, drier periods have recently become significantly longer. The main reason for this is long-term over consumption of water for human use, particularly irrigation […]

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