Responding to Pollution in lutruwita/Tasmania
The United Nations has recognised the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. Strong environmental laws regulating pollution are one of the key ways to protect this human right.
This factsheet provides information about how pollution is regulated in lutruwita/Tasmania. It also provides information on how to report pollution incidents, who to report them to, and what other legal options are available for people to respond to pollution.
There is a range of Acts that regulate different types of pollution, such as the Litter Act 2007 (Tas), however, this factsheet focuses on the processes established under the Environmental and Pollution Control Act 1994 (Tas). Links to further resources about how to report these other forms of pollution are provided at the end of the factsheet.
Key takeaways
In Tasmania, polluting activities are generally governed by the Environmental and Pollution Control Act 1994 (Tas) (the Act).
The Act establishes a tiered system of assessments and approvals for polluting activities.
If you become aware of a pollution incident, you should report it as soon as possible to the relevant authority.
Key actions
Visit: The EPA website for further a comprehensive list of who to contact to report certain types of pollution
Read: EDO’s Factsheet Reporting Chemical Spray Drift in lutruwita/Tasmania