Through philanthropy we connect donors with the power of the law, and together we’re meeting the most urgent challenges of our time.
During this decade of action we will be relying on greatly increased philanthropic support, which will enable us to escalate the protection of our climate and environment.
You can make a donation via our bank account or speak to a staff member to discuss the impact of your gift.
Bank details for direct deposit
Environmental Defence Fund
BSB: 814-282
Account Number: 30892173
Great Southern Bank
ABN: 72 002 880 864
Speak to a staff member about leaving a gift
Ingrid Neilson (Tues-Fri)
Senior Philanthropy Specialist
02 7229 0039
[email protected]
Melissa Chungue
Philanthropy Specialist
[email protected]
Ryan Mason
Philanthropy Specialist
[email protected]
Speak to a staff member about leaving a bequest in your will
Mia Lumb (Mon-Thurs)
Bequests Specialist
[email protected]
Learn more about leaving a bequest
For all other enquiries
Isabelle Tawil
Philanthropy Supporter Specialist
[email protected]
When depositing a donation into EDO’s bank account, please include your full name in the reference and email us at
[email protected] so that we can send a receipt for your gift.