Developmental Controls in Tasmania
This factsheet outlines the legislative framework for planning and environmental approval, which has been integrated and streamlined.
Key takeaways
Explains that the approval process is governed largely by the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 and Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994
Identifies examples of when and how to seek planning approval
Outlines the distinctive approval process for significant development projects
Briefly outlines the applicability/overlap of Commonwealth approval with Tasmanian planning and environmental laws
Key actions
Read EDO Factsheets on:
– Environmental Controls for more information on how various planning processes consider environmental impacts, safeguards and controls
– The Planning System for more information on enforcement of the Planning System
– Appealing to RMPAT for more information about the appeals process
Visit: EPA Tasmania page on the Assessment Process to learn more about the assessment process for Level 2 activities
Visit: National Construction Code website to learn more about technical design and construction provisions for buildings
Visit: Consumer, Building and Occupational Services page on Technical Regulation to learn more about the prescribed standards for certain materials and building methods in Tasmania
Visit: Your local council website – some activities may be exempt from planning approval requirements