Protection of Native Animals and their Habitat in SA
This factsheet explains some of the basic features of SA and Commonwealth legislation dealing with the protection of native animals and their habitat.
Key takeaways
Outlines the legislation that deals with protecting native animals and their habitats, preventing animal cruelty, protecting aquatic habitats and regulating wildlife trade
Describes the role of the Australian Federal Police, SA Governor, Department for Environment and Water and Native Vegetation Council in enforcing the legislation
Key actions
Read the EDO Factsheet on EPBC Act, Referrals and Opportunities to Comment to read more about how the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) protects native animals
Visit: The SA Department of Primary Industries and Regions page on Report Illegal Fishing Activities to report illegal fishing activities – alternatively, call their 24-hour hotline on 1800 065 522
Visit: The SA Department for Environment and Water’s Report A Suspected Illegal Clearance page if you suspect that illegal clearing is occurring