Despite the disruption of a global pandemic, thanks to you, we had some huge wins for the planet in 2021. 

We wanted to kick off 2022 by sharing the incredible wins you helped achieve last year, and we hope this gives you hope like it does us. 

Together last year we: 

We won a landmark climate case.

The Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action won their case against the NSW EPA when our lawyers argued the EPA failed to perform its duties to protect citizens and our environment against harmful greenhouse gases. This is the first time an Australian court has ordered a government agency to take serious action on climate change. 

We put a pause on inappropriate development in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.

After a three-year legal battle fought by our clients, plans for a luxury heli-tourism development at Lake Malbena in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area were withdrawn. This inappropriate development proposal would have turned part of a World Heritage Area over to a private developer at the expense of the environment and contrary to the community’s wishes. 

We helped protect globally-significant wetlands from mining.  

The pristine Ramsar-listed Mole Marsh wetlands were saved from proposed gold mining exploration. 

We saved the beautiful Bylong Valley from a coal mine for the third time.  

Our clients and the community celebrated their third, hard earned victory over KEPCO, a Korean mining company and its proposed 6.5 million-tonnes-per-year greenfield coal mine. 

We tackled corporate “greenwashing”.  

We launched the first legal case in Australia to raise “greenwashing” against the oil and gas industry, and the first case in the world to challenge the accuracy of a company’s net zero emissions target. 

We launched a second Supreme Court challenge over Woodside gas project in WA.  

On behalf of our client, we filed a second challenge in the WA Supreme Court over the controversial Scarborough gas project. Meanwhile our first case kicked off in court nearly one year after the case launched. 

We won a Federal Court case over gas exploration grants. 

The Federal Court ruled the Federal Resources Minister’s decision to grant $21 million of public money to a private company to pursue fracking in the Beetaloo Basin was invalid. 

These wins are made possible by people like you.  

Thank you for standing up for the planet and people in 2021. We look forward to doing it with you again in 2022.