The Central Australian Frack Free Alliance (CAFFA) is considering its options after the Supreme Court upheld an NT government approval allowing Tamboran Resources to drill and frack 12 exploratory wells about 600km south of Darwin. [1]

In February 2023, CAFFA asked the NT Supreme Court to review the decision of the NT Environment Minister who approved the project’s Environment Management Plan (EMP). [2]

CAFFA argued, among other things, that the EMP approval was invalid because the minister failed to adequately consider the environmental impacts of the project. In particular, CAFFA argued, the minister should have considered the climate impacts of future gas projects that this exploration would enable.

CAFFA spokesperson Dr Hilary Tyler said: “The government’s approval of Tamboran’s exploratory gas field is disappointing, disturbing and a disaster for our climate. 

By approving this exploration application, the minister has opened the way for Tamboran to drill vast new gas fields across the heart of the Territory.  

“Fracking contributes significantly to runaway climate change which is already affecting the lives of all Territorians, especially those with fewest resources to mitigate these consequences.

“Even if today’s judgment means the minister was not legally required to consider the long-term climate impacts of the fracking industry, long-term planning is essential for the protection of our communities from climate change. 

“We are still not seeing a common sense approach to climate risk.”

Dr Tyler said CAFFA would read the judgment carefully in consultation with its lawyers, the Environmental Defenders Office, before deciding next steps.

The International Energy Agency said in 2021 there can be no new gas fields if the world is to stand a chance of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050, limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, and therefore avoiding the worst impacts of catastrophic climate change.

EDO Deputy Director Brendan Dobbie said: “This is a disappointing result for our client and for all Territorians concerned about the climate impacts of fossil fuel projects.

“The court has found NT law doesn’t require decision makers to consider the climate impacts of the full-scale exploitation of Beetaloo Basin fossil fuel reserves when approving exploration fracking projects designed to facilitate that exploitation.

“It is very concerning that in 2024 the law still doesn’t require a life-cycle assessment of the full scope of greenhouse gas impacts likely to flow from fossil fuel exploration projects.

“It is difficult to see how these existing laws square with the NT Government’s commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2050.”


[1] Central Australian Frack Free Alliance Inc v Minister for Environment & Anor [2024] NTSC 75

[2] EMP for EP98, approved 14 November 2022


EDO | James Tremain | 0419 272 254


Tamboran Litigation — Background Brief — February 2023


The Central Australian Frack Free Alliance (CAFFA) is a grassroots community group located in Mparntwe/ Alice Springs and organising to protect the NT’s water, health, communities and country from the harms of unconventional gas extraction. CAFFA has been active over the last eight years in raising awareness within the Alice Springs and Central Australian community about the risks posed by this poorly regulated and inherently dangerous industry. We are calling for a common sense, evidence based approach to climate policy . CAFFA is a member of the Protect Country Alliance NT.