After auditing 30 companies, including some of the highest emitters in Australia’s energy, mining and transport sectors, EDO analysis found that many fail to meet UN recommendations for legitimate net zero commitments.  

EDO’s three latest greenwashing reports audit the net zero commitments and climate-related claims made by 30 companies across Australia’s energy, mining and transport sectors.  

Our Corporate and Commercial team assessed their claims against the principles and recommendations outlined by the United Nations High Legal Expert Working Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities

The team found there are broad net zero claims across all three sectors. There is a general lack of clarification and transparency about which emissions are covered by these claims, how emission reductions are calculated and reported, whether credible pathways to net zero are relied on, and whether the claims meet the Paris Agreement outcomes. The variety and inconsistent approaches taken across companies means that it is difficult for consumers and investors to interpret and compare company performance.  

Without credible net zero commitments, companies cannot show how they will successfully deliver on their claims. Consumers may be misled by bold claims that have no foundation, and a lack of credible net zero commitments can ultimately undermine public trust.  

Read our latest greenwashing reports below:  

 Visit our Corporate Greenwashing page for more.